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.observer - e4-bababobo: various cool things i wanted to do 03-24-2025


  • backported the “ESC to skip” functionality from EP4 through to most of EP2 and EP3. the speedruns will go crazy


  • (dream mode only) using the radio, you can now select from a variety of peaceful/combat/boss tracks to play instead of the default tracks, including ‘random’ or ‘none’!


  • added separate volume sliders for all / music / sfx
  • save import only looks for .corru files now
  • reduced intensity button now has some meta descriptive text to make it clearer what it does


  • redirection doesn’t start ticking until your team’s next turn, making it easier to build around guarding actions
  • the EP4-specific combat system has an additional viewing functionality if you hold shift
  • a bunch of other action adjustments and fixes


  • two entities that were possible to permanently miss are now also marked as scanned if you scan their moved counterparts (the things I must write to hide spoilers)
  • the big-screen exclusive giant spinning dull cube has finally been slain
  • not even gonna list all the bugfixes and tweaks that have been quietly going on over the past two months. let’s pretend they all happened today

da modderzone
  • there's now a completely empty page at /null/?force if you want a blank slate to work with
  • you can now set localStorage['ignoreoverwritewarnings'] = true to permanently ignore the 'this is a debug link and will delete your save' warnings
  • dialogue replies can now have TEXEC:: in their name, i.e. TEXEC::Math.random()<+>someotherbranch
  • modlist won't freak out at empty lines anymore
.observer - e4 01-15-2025


  • added embassy collapse pt3 and related systems
    • similar to EP3’s release, there are no memory holes or mask interactions to find yet. this is just the main experience


  • added a new “ESC to skip” dialogue function… this is ONLY in EP4 presently, but I plan on backporting it to other memory-based dialogue sequences


  • added EP4 SELECT save
  • the readout log now only holds up to 80 messages rather than 200 (actually a pretty big performance help)
  • scanner targets can now have a priority, making sure they’re always first in a stack of targets that you right click. fights a chrome issue where sometimes the stack is backwards - for now this is only applied to important embassy characters
  • the system actor dialogue styling (yellow/black on white) has been modified to be easier to read (courtesy of octo)


  • you can right click to cancel action usage now instead of having to click “Nevermind” directly
  • the way turns advance is slightly different now, and advances will be delayed by continuous hits
    • i.e. a frenzy chain will not continue into the next actor’s turn, but instead delay the end of the current actor’s turn until it ends
  • action usage messages now use a new system that stacks repeated hits/reactions into the same message in a little receipt-like view, rather than spamming your screen with unreadable smaller ones
    • a more detailed list of results (i.e. who got what statuses, how much HP was lost, etc) is also shown in the readout log
  • damage/status floaters now stack when they’re of the same type (i.e. two -2HP hits will result in one -4HP floater, rather than 2 -2HP floaters)
  • all player-visible actions now have a much more detailed hover view that’s easier to understand. the older implementation still works, so it’s backwards compatible
  • all statuses now have icons, and having enough statuses on one character will collapse them into a collection of icons instead of a giant pillar of statuses (usually only encountered in E3A2 content)
  • statuses with ‘advanced’ opposites (i.e. “Million Teeth” being the opposite of “Repairs”) will only show in their hover tip if you’re in content where it’s possible to get them (controlled by page.showAdvancedStatuses)
  • the “use item” button is different and less obtrusive
  • HP and BP have been combined into the same line to reduce actor card height
  • some items have had their drop-batches and max limits altered
  • (E3A2) mending applicators (bone utility augment) uses the stronger version of restorative barrier now
  • base advance rate is now 1.5s, vs the 2s it was before. this is 1s if you’ve been to golem maintenance before
  • on loss, EP4 features a new “retry” system - I plan to backport this to EP3/EP2 to reduce frustration, but it’s only in EP4 for now


  • mask hover text now will hint that there’s very limited use for them in the embassy so you don’t go crazy trying to find interactions
    • just a temporary measure until the next embassy pass where we add all this stuff
  • you can now toggle gakvu’s coat lights in EP3, as well as EP4
  • removed two fights from golem maintenance
    • this is a minor patch on the broader issue of “I don’t like how EP2 and EP3 flow with combat,” I have plans to rework them in more meaningful ways but I’d prefer to work on other stuff first


  • temporarily swapped to cloudflare hosting in order to limit launch cache issues. if it’s slow for you, consider using the old neocities host at this domain: neocities.corru.observer but beware, it’s a little unstable around launch times.
  • restored floatytiles on firefox finally
  • lots of punctuation and ‘ vs “ adjustments
  • nonstop definition fixes forever
  • added minor post-EP4 interactions in a few spots
  • credits have been updated
  • added various direct hints to ‘explore the cache’ that appear after completing EP4 if you haven’t seen ozo yet
  • new sound effects

Advanced, Or: Cool Stuff Modders Might Appreciate
  • midCombatEnemyAdd and midCombatEnemyRemove have been combined into new midCombatActorAdd and midCombatActorRemove functions. these work for both foes and allies, but there’s still a little weirdness with adding to the left in EP4 so watch out
    • the old functions still exist, but they’re deprecated and just serve as redirects to the new functions - so it’s backwards compatible
  • stages can now have alternate plans without needing entirely new stage declarations (see EP4 stage declarations)
  • a new refreshStage function lets you update the stage the player is currently on without kicking them around, can optionally do this ‘silently’. no idea how this functions on darkstages but it’s great in regular stages
  • there’s a new setCam function for stages that replaces the excessive CSS you used to have to write for any camera angles, it can just be called in dialogue instead. check it out in cystStage.js
  • statuses can now grant actions (only to allies presently), search for grantedActions for details
  • added “this will overwrite your save, are you sure you want to do this” messages to connecting with one of the debug save-loading URL parameters
  • in dialogue, there’s a new THEN:: functionality. it works identically to EXEC::, but is executed after waiting via WAIT::.
    • i.e. you could have an EXEC::, WAIT::2000, and THEN::, where the THEN:: executes after 2 seconds
  • maybe don't use EP4 actions or statuses in FRAME. i have no idea how they'll behave and it probably won't be good
.works - cw-2: the thoughtstream 10-06-2024
  • added a “thoughtstream” visible from the homepage and news page. a shorter-form status-like view for more frequent/less important “here’s where we’re at” type things. kinda like what I used cohost for before, but, ya know…
    • only shows the latest one on-site, but the feed will have all of them in order of date
  • added the corru.works cohost archive! you should be able to take any cohost post link of mine and replace “cohost.org” with “cohost.corru.works”. it’s a little janky but it does the trick! the site’s going down at the end of october, so I wanted to preserve all the old asks and posts. shares/reposts were removed
    • this is also linked on da corru works homepage too
.observer - e3a2-oden: to oden the engo 06-07-2024


  • added random events
    • a few aren’t available to firefox users until FF127 is out because otherwise they blow up the renderer LOL
  • someone minor but new can be retrieved


  • little nodes appear next to each cache to visibly show you what they offer
  • some iteration revisions with little downside now have (relatively high) caps to how many times you can take them, gradually forcing you to engage with the more chaotic ones if you choose to loop an obscene number of times. if this sucks and isn’t fun I’ll undo it, but it better embodies the “insane escalation” that you’d expect
  • the final sequence can now be replayed
  • various starting parameters can now be adjusted
  • one new cache modifier has been added for each humor
  • two new augments have been added for utility actions that were missing them


  • the “Discovery” focus scene has had some awkward wording adjusted to help with understanding (no major changes, it just bugged me how hard it was to really understand why it’s a big deal)
  • there are now less ‘fodder’ enemies in the first part of the collapse because they were kinda pointless


  • certain statuses now decrement on turn end to make more sense (i.e. focused), sources/amounts given have been adjusted
  • attack/stat handling has been updated so it should generally run waaay better (especially in EP3ADD2)


  • visual tweaks - some old/early and messy graphics have been slightly updated and had their GIF crust shaved off
  • fundfriend sigils now look a bit different to help with readability/menu size (because there are so many of you!!) - the old styling is still used on corru.works though
  • various little dialogue continuity fixes
  • lots and lots of definitions fixes